Saturday, February 1, 2020

Valentine's Day , The Impeachment Trial Begins. A Short Story by Leo Tolstoy

Valentine's Day

February mean's Valentine's Day and thoughts of love. My first experience with Valentine's Day was when I was six and in the first grade. I got a beautiful gold valentine from a boy in my class that I have never forgotten, although I have never seen him since elementary school. It made me realize how important are our early years in determining our feelings and our thoughts and ultimately our lives. I hope Valentine's Day will be a special one for you. If you don't have a special someone in your life than be sure to celebrate Valentine's day by giving yourself a Valentine's Day treat in honor of the universal power of love.

The Impeachment Trial Begins
Tuesday—January 21, 2020

Friedrich Neitzsche wrote--

I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”
To recognize untruth as a condition of life--that certainly means resisting accustomed value feelings in a dangerous way; and a philosophy that risks this would by that token alone place itself beyond good and evil.” 

Neitzshe's words still are meaningful to us now. We are living at a time when truth itself is being manipulated so as to blur the lines between truth and lies. The disagreement between the Democrats and the Republicans about the rules of the coming impeachment trial is about suppressing truth itself. Will the members of one political party be successful in suppressing witnesses and documents that tell us the truth about what happened between President Trump and the Ukrainian President Selinsky and will the truth of this event be suppressed for political reasons and ultimately undermine our precious democracy? The way the senators vote at this trial will be very important both now and in the future and will certainly be remembered at the ballot box in November and in the history books for future generations to ultimately be our judges.

Master and Man
A Short story by Leo Tolstoy

This is a story about a man who is obsessed with money and power and who has little compassion or understanding for those less fortunate and who “attains a spiritual/moral revelation.when his life is endangered. This story once again repeats one of Tolstoy's famous themes: That the only true happiness in life is found in living for others.” Wikipedia )

This story, which was written in 1895, still resonates in our troubled times when so many powerful, educated and influential people are choosing personal and political gain over truth and morality. Money and power are a powerful incentive which many people in the past and unfortunately in the present have not been able to resist and who still are willing to deny truth, and compromise their life values to attain. We are now seeing this drama being enacted in front of our eyes every day on our television screens.