Sunday, December 1, 2019


 December Holidays,

The holidays are here and they bring excitement, expectations and unfortunately more stress. We can do much to minimize that stress. We must strive to make our holidays good, but we don't have make them perfect. If we try to compete to make our holiday better than our neighbors, we set ourselves up for added stress.

I didn't realize that there are many holidays which are celebrated in December. Of course there is Christmas, December 25th with it's emphasis on faith, childhood magic and family and the important focus on “ Peace on earth, good will toward men. ”There is the holiday Hanukkah on December 22nd , "The festival of lights" which is about miracles and freedom. There is Kwanzaa December 26th,  a celebration of family, community and culture. These December holidays by different religions all share in the joys of family and the best impulses and hopes of all human beings. Happy Holidays to all!

 Public Impeachment Hearings

The public hearings of the impeachment of the president have started. We are hearing testimony from many courageous public servants of high integrity who value our country and are testifying in spite of the risk to their careers. On Nov 20th we heard from Ambassador Sondland, who testified that the president was ultimately responsible for the illegal policy that was implemented by his personal lawyer Rudy Guiliani and others that President Zelensy investigate the Bidens and make a public statement to that effect or they would not receive the military aid that was passed by the congress. We are fortunate to be witnesses to how our democracy works and how no one in our country is above the law, not even a president. I hope every citizen who cares about our country's future will be watching and holding accountable anyone, no matter high up in government or how important they may be, who has broken our laws and put our security in danger. 

 Books and Movies by Somerset Maugham,

The book I read this month was a little know book by the successful author Somerset Maugham. --Lisa of Lambeth which I found on free Kindle classics. It is a simple story of a vivacious young girl who is born into the poorest class of English society and how that event ultimately affects her life and her fate. It made me realize that our birth, over which we have no control, often determines so much of our lives.

Many of Maugham's best selling books have been made into interesting and successful movies--"The Razor's Edge." ( a book about the search for life's meaning.) "The Moon and Sixpence (the life story of artist Paul Gauguin.) and "Of Human Bondage" (a story that explores the mysteries of human sexual attraction and obsession.)  Maugham was a masterful writer who was able to explore the deepest and most complex emotions of the human experience

Happy New Year
On December31st we will be celebrating New Year's Eve, another important December holiday-- a time for parties and fun and also a time of reflecting on the past and planning for the future. I hope it will be a time of looking forward with hope for all of us.

Free books by June Stepansky  
A Different Voice

Monday, November 11, 2019

                          A Different Voice



November, of course, makes us think about Thanksgiving and the coming holiday season with all the mixed feelings that come with that realization. Thanksgiving is about family and gratitude. Many of us will be together with our families for the holidays and will experience all the joys and perhaps the stresses that this brings. Thanksgiving also reminds us of the positive things that we have in our lives. Although all during the year we may be thinking about how to make our lives more productive and happier, at Thanksgiving our thoughts also go to the many things in our lives that we already have for which we should be thankful, In America, many of us have much for which we can be grateful. Gratitude is an important and empowering emotion that helps us to appreciate the things in our lives that we already have that enrich our lives. I wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving full of family joys and gratitude. 


This month I read an adventure book “Once Night Falls by Merullo Roland about the German occupation in Italy during World War 11. What impresses me most about these kinds of true historical novels is the enormous courage that ordinary people show when their democracy and their lives are in danger. When we see and hear everyday on the news so many acts of cowardice and greed by people in our country and the world who strive to protect their careers and financial interests at the expense of others, and we experience the many acts of cruelty that uncaring groups inflict upon their vulnerable neighbors, we can always take courage from the fact that there are still people in our country and in the world who care about each other and are willing to risk their lives for justice. 


Public Impeachment Hearings Begin Soon
The public hearings in the president's impeachment will begin on Wednesday Nov. 13th. Earl Frederic Landgrebe, a politician and business man during the Watergate hearings is remembered for saying “Don't confuse me with the facts”. but the most important truth that we all must remember is that facts do matter and are the only things that can help to clarify our thinking and keep us from ultimately losing our democracy. I hope all Americans will be listening to the facts on Nov 13. 


I am a movie addict and I am fortunate to have Amazon Prime which means I have access to many wonderful movies. One of the movies I watched this month was an award-winning movie called Cross Creek. It is the life story of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings the author of the best seller “The Yearling”, who dreamed of becoming an author and writing novels. She decided to change her life so she could pursue her dream. She divorced her husband and went to live in the small rural community of Cross Creek in Florida. This is the story of her challenges and difficulties and joys and her victory over adversity The novel that she wrote there which became a best seller for 2 years is the ultimate American success story. It shows us the comforting truth that if we want something enough and work hard to get it, we do have a good chance of achieving our goals.

If you love movies as much as I do and you have a library card or can get one, you are eligible for wonderful free movies at

Free books by June Stepansky

A Different Voice—free self-help book

Kaleidoscope—free poetry book